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Beginner's Guide: An Introduction to Drupal 9 Features and Functionalities

Welcome to the world of Drupal, a flexible and powerful content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites globally. Whether you've stumbled upon Drupal in search of the ideal platform for your next project or are transitioning from another CMS, this beginner's guide to Drupal 9 is here to help you navigate its core features and functionalities.

1. What is Drupal?
Drupal is an open-source CMS, meaning it's freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. Initially launched in 2001 by Dries Buytaert, Drupal has grown exponentially in both users and contributors. Its modular approach allows developers and site builders to create tailored experiences without writing code from scratch.

2. Drupal 9: A Fresh Approach
Drupal 9, released in June 2020, is a testament to the platform's commitment to innovation. While it maintains the underlying philosophy of Drupal, it comes with updated dependencies that make the system more robust and user-friendly.

3. Core Features of Drupal 9

-Fieldable Content Entities: Unlike some CMSs where content is rigid, Drupal offers fieldable entities, allowing you to add custom fields to almost anything – from content to users.

-Flexible Content Architecture: With Drupal, you can craft various content types such as blogs, landing pages, or product pages, each with its custom fields.

-Views: A powerful query and display system. Without writing SQL code, you can fetch content from the database and display it in multiple layouts.

-Taxonomy System: Organize your content with Drupal's hierarchical classification system, helping users and search engines navigate your site effortlessly.

-Built-in Multilingual Capabilities: Drupal 9 embraces global audiences with its out-of-the-box multilingual tools for content, menus, and user interfaces.

-Responsive Themes: With mobile internet usage overtaking desktop, Drupal ensures your site looks great on all devices.

4. Enhanced Performance & Security

Drupal 9 has worked on making performance smoother and more efficient than before. Caching mechanisms, image optimization, and lazy loading are some of the tools at your disposal. Moreover, with a dedicated security team and regular updates, Drupal ensures your website remains protected against vulnerabilities.

5. Seamless Upgrades

One of Drupal 9's standout features is its emphasis on forward compatibility. Upgrading to future versions (like the upcoming Drupal 10) will be smoother and hassle-free, ensuring longevity for your projects.

6. Vibrant Community

Starting with Drupal doesn't mean you're alone. A global community of developers, designers, and everyday users are always eager to help. With countless online forums, documentation, and free resources, the Drupal community is genuinely one of its most powerful assets.


Embracing Drupal 9 is a journey into a realm of endless possibilities. Its flexible architecture, combined with robust core features, ensures you can craft websites that are not only beautiful but also functional and secure. As you embark on this Drupal adventure, remember that the vibrant community is there to guide, support, and inspire every step of the way. Welcome to Drupal 9!